[See Section 95(1)]

    S.No.               Area                                                  For the first storey             For the second
                                                                                                                            storey or any

Rs. per storey
1. For a ground area upto 100 sq. yds. 20 40
2. For a ground area of more than 100 yds
but not exceeding 250 sq. yds 60 120
3. For a ground area of more than 250 sq. 150 300
yds. but not exceeding 500 sq. yds.
4. For a ground area of more than 500 sq
yds. but not exceeding 1,000 sq. yds. 300 600
5. For a ground area of more than 1,000
sq. yds 600 1500


    N.B. 1.- For purposes of assessment and calculation of the tax, ground area shall mean the area of the portion which is proposed to be built upon including the internal courtyard.

    N.B. 2.- For purposes of the above Schedule, the basement where provided will be regarded as the first storey, the ground floor over the basement as the second storey and so on.

    N.B. 3.- In cases where an application is deemed to have been sanctioned under the provisions of section 282 the tax shall become payable in the same manner as in cases where an application is sanctioned.

    N.B. 4.- In case an application is rejected 5 per cent. of the tax due shall be retained and the balance shall be refunded to the applicant, under the orders of the Chairperson.