Priority of payment of interest and repayment of loans over other payments.

All payments due from the Council for interest on and repayment of loans shall be made in priority to all other payments due from the Council.


If any money borrowed or deemed to have been borrowed by the Council from Central Government or the Government or any interest or costs due in respect thereof be not repaid according to the conditions of the loan, the Central Government or the government may attach the New Delhi Municipal Fund or any part thereof.


After such attachment no person except an officer appointed in this behalf by the Central Government shall in any way deal with the attached fund; but such officer may do all acts in respect thereof which any municipal authority, officer or other employee might have done if such attachment has not taken place, and may apply the proceeds in satisfaction of the arrears and of all interest and cost due in respect thereof and of all expenses caused by the attachment and subsequent proceedings:


Provided that no such attachment shall defeat or prejudice any debt for which the fund was previously charged in accordance with law; and all such prior charges shall be paid out of the proceeds of the fund before any part of the proceeds is applied to satisfaction of the debt due to the Central Government or the Government.

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