Information of birth and death.

It shall be the duty of the father or mother of every child born in New Delhi and in default of the father or mother, or any relation of the child living in the same premises, and in default of such relation, of the person having charge of the child, to give to the best of his knowledge and belief to the registrar of the area concerned within eight days after such birth, information containing such particular as may be prescribe by bye-laws made in this behalf.


It shall be the duty of the nearest relation present at the time of the dea5th or in attendance during the last illness of any person dying in New Delhi and in default of such relation, of any person present or in attendance at he time of the death and of the occupier of he premises in which to his knowledge the death took place and in default of he person hereinbefore mentioned, of each inmate of such premises and of the undertaker or other person causing the corpse of the deceased person to be disposed of, to give to the best of his knowledge and belief to the registrar of the area within which the death placed information containing such particulars as may be prescribed by bye-laws made in this behalf.


If a birth or death occurs in the hospital, none of the persons mentioned in sub-section (1) or, as the case may be, in sub-section (2) shall be bound to give information required by that sub-section, but it shall be the duty of the medical officer in charge of the hospital within twenty-four hours after the birth or dea5h, to send to the officer authorised by he Chairperson a notice containing such particulars as may be prescribed by bye-laws made in his behalf.

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