Page 21 - e-Budget Speech - Final
P. 21

New Delhi Municipal Council                          |  Budget 2019 – 20
        3.5.2  Further as a value addition to the citizens it is proposed to introduce
        Cable TV (CATV)  services  on these  Optical  Broadband directly  to the
        customer’s homes.  NDMC would be first ULB to provide such service to its
        resident.  This Headend-in-the-Sky (HITS) is a technology of broadcasting
        numerous channels from a single satellite system after aggregating them on
        grounds from different satellite.  This will bring in digitalization which will be
        advantageous to  the citizens in term of quality/number of channels more
        features etc. This Headend-in-the-Sky (HITS) a satellite based digital platform
        can revolutionize TV viewing and also reduce monthly cable bills.

        3.5.3  Viewer can use the same infrastructure (set-top-box) to not only watch
        the programmes of his choice but also watch them at a time convenient to him.
        With HITS, one can also access other facilities such as running searches, pay-
        per view and blocking programming by title, channel or rating.

        3.6 Smart Pole Project Phase – II

        3.6.1  NDMC took initiative for transformation of electric poles into Smart
        Poles having LEDs with incident driven controllers, communication
        infrastructure,  Wi-Fi access points, air-quality sensors, noise-pollution
        sensors. After  successful installation  of 55 nos. Smart Street light Poles in
        Connaught Place, and adjacent areas, it has been decided to enhance the
        coverage of such Smart Poles  in the remaining area of NDMC.
        Accordingly, about 625  Smart Street Lighting Poles on various  roads  /
        localities in NDMC area will be installed to enable multiple telecom services
        based on Wi-Fi. It will also drive intelligent sensor-based Internet of Things
        (IoT) innovations in public safety. The smart poles are provided with Warm
        LED individually controlled luminary, IP based PTZ camera,  free  Wi-Fi to
        public,  environmental monitoring sensors, Public Addressing System, Fiber
        Network connectivity to schools / hospitals / NDMC offices / dispensaries etc.
        and Connaught Place Police Station.

        3.6.2  It is proposed to install such Smart Poles at multiple locations in
        NDMC area in the year 2019-20 under various models:

            a) 625 smart poles on revenue sharing basis under PPP model.
            b) Through CAPEX model to be executed by MTNL under NDMC
               Smart City Ltd. - MTNL agreement, at public places such as garden,
               public plaza etc.

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