Page 88 - e-Budget Speech - Final
P. 88

New Delhi Municipal Council                          |  Budget 2019 – 20
        8. RECEIPTS

        8.1    Receipts from Electricity Distribution

        8.1.1  In the year 2017-18, 1502 MUs of power were procured by NDMC at
        a cost of Rs. 817 crore. The expected power requirement in the year 2018-19
        is 1563.21 MUs of power and likely cost of procurement of this power is Rs.
        839.08 crore.  The bill collection efficiency, which  was 94.3% in  the year
        2015-16, has been increased to 99.5% in the year 2017-18. This is likely to
        improve further in the year 2018-19.

        8.1.2  I envisage to establish a analytics in Commercial Department to fully
        harness the potential of these meter  and enable NDMC to save  revenue
        outflow through billing efficiency, lower AT&C losses, optimising the
        sanctioned load, pre-paid metering, net-metering, etc.

        8.1.3  NDMC is in  possession  of very  old meters  ranging from analog,
        electromechanical to static and now smart meters. Therefore, it is proposed to
        prepare a small museum to showcase these meters for the information of
        general public.

        8.1.4  The total revenue receipts from Electricity Distribution have been
        projected in RE 2018-19 at Rs.1306.24 crore as against actuals Rs.1224.53
        crore in the year 2017-18. The projections for BE 2019-20 are at Rs.1411.34

        8.2 Receipts from Property Tax
        The collection efficiency of NDMC in property tax has increased significantly
        during preceding years. We are expecting to collect property tax of Rs.665.00
        crore in 2018-19 against the collection of Rs. 574.43 crore and Rs. 711.10
        crore in the year 2016-17 and 2017-18 respectively. In the year 2019-20, we
        plan to collect Rs.650.00 crore. I do not propose any increase in Property Tax
        rates for the year 2019-20.

        8.3 Receipts from Licence Fee from Municipal Properties

   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92