Page 377 - final-budget-book-vol-1
P. 377

ctV 2018-19                                                              O;; dk foLr`r fooj.k                                                                      BUDGET 2018‐19
fooj.k IX                                                                                                                                                                         ST‐IX
                                                              DETAILED STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURE
                                                                                                                                                  ( ` in Thousand )
(#i;s gtkj esa )

           dk;Z                                                                                                 vuqHkkx  2016-17       2017-18    2017-18           2018-19
                    eq[; 'kh"kZ y?kq 'kh"kZ foLr`r                                                               dksM
                                                    Description                              fooj.k
          lEiknu                                                                                                Field
                      dksM dksM 'kh"kZ dksM                                  5                                  Code

           dksM                                                                 l;a=k ,oa eh'kujh                 6
                                                                                l;a=k ,oa eh'kujh
           Fn.   Mj.   Mn.  DH                                                  mi&;ksx % l;a=k ,oa eh'kujh     307      okLrfod       ctV vuqeku la'kksf/r vuqeku  ctV vuqeku
          Code  Head  Head   4                                                  okgu                            313
                Code  Code                                                      mi&;ksx % okgu                           Actuals         Budget    Revised            Budget
             1                                                                  vU; fu;r ifjlEifr;k¡                          7        Estimates  Estimates         Estimates
                   2     3                                                      mi&;ksx % vU; fu;r ifjlEifr;k¡                 1098
                                                                                ;ksx % LFkkbZ ifjlEifRr;k¡                          0         8          9                10

          61 410 40                                 PLANT AND MACHINERY                                                                1200       3000                    17000

          61 410 40                                 PLANT AND MACHINERY                                                                5400                  0                  0

          61 410 40                                 SUB TOTAL : PLANT AND                                                12954         9100       12100             17500

          61 410 50                                 VEHICLES

          61 410 50                                 SUB TOTAL : VEHICLES                                                          0 0 00

          61 410 80                                 OTHER FIXED ASSETS

          61 410 80                                 SUB TOTAL : OTHER FIXED                                                    0            0           0                 0
          61 410                                    ASSETS                                                               12954         9100       12100             17500
                                                    TOTAL : FIXED ASSETS

          61 412                                    CAPITAL WORK IN PROGRESS iz/ku dk;Z izxfr ij

          61 412 40                                 GENERAL                  lkekU;                             102       1248            700      2000              2000
          61 412 40                                 GENERAL                  lkekU;                             103         460         7100       6405              4300
          61 412 40                                 GENERAL                  lkekU;                             104
          61 412 40                                 GENERAL                  lkekU;                             105       1383            500        800               200
          61 412 40                                 GENERAL                  lkekU;                             106       1514          6900      12200              6100
          61 412 40                                 GENERAL                  lkekU;                             107       4562          2100
          61 412 40                                 GENERAL                  lkekU;                             108       8770          3000       2600                300
          61 412 40                                 GENERAL                  lkekU;                             115       1815          5300      15400              3500
          61 412 40                                 GENERAL                  lkekU;                             122       8000                    12540              3500
          61 412 40                                 GENERAL                  lkekU;                             124                          0
          61 412 40                                 GENERAL                  lkekU;                             203         666         7500            0                 0
          61 412 40                                 GENERAL                  lkekU;                             214            0                   7455                   0
          61 412 40                                 GENERAL                  lkekU;                             307            0          500     14100              7600
          61 412 40                                 GENERAL                  lkekU;                             313                     4100                              0
          61 412 40                                 GENERAL                  lkekU;                                       8009                          0                 0
                                                                                                                         13640               0     2000             23600
                                                                                                                                       13200      34780             10000
                                                                                                                               0       20000

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