Page 89 - e-Budget Speech - Final
P. 89

New Delhi Municipal Council                          |  Budget 2019 – 20
        8.3.1  Serious litigation involving e-auction of licensing rights of major hotel
        properties  have been  successfully completed. In a specific time period the
        litigations have not only come to conclusion from District Courts to Supreme
        Court, but also tenders were floated for e-auction and licensing rights of all the
        three Hotel properties numbered property No. 1 at Mansingh Road, property
        No. 36 at Bhagat Singh Place  and property No. 1 at Janpath Lane were
        successfully e-auctioned.  The e-auction was made live at public places and
        possession of these properties have been handedover to the successful bidders.
        Details of e-auction are as follows:
          (i)  licensing rights of property at 1, Mansingh Road has been e-auctioned
               to M/s. India Hotels Company Ltd at licence fee of higher of (32.50%
               of the Gross Turn Over or Rs.35.58 crore per annum) against earlier
               licence fee of (17.25%  of the Gross  Turn Over or  Rs.21 crore per
         (ii)  licensing rights of property at 37, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Marg has
               been e-auctioned to M/s. India Hotels Company Ltd at licence fee of
               higher of 31.80% of  the  Gross  Turn Over or Rs.5.868 crore per

         (iii)  licensing rights of property at 1, Janpath has been e-auctioned to M/s.
               Imperative Hospitality at licence fee of higher of 39.50% of the Gross
               Turn Over or Rs.1.19 crore per annum.

        8.3.2 An amount of Rs.33.11 crores approx. has been received upto
        20.12.2018 as upfront payment etc. in  respect of  these auctions  and it  is
        presumed that the increased license fee/ license fee will boost the municipal
        revenue.  Incase of property No.1 at Mansingh Road, the revenue share of
        NDMC has been increased by about 80%.

        8.3.3 The actual receipts in 2017-18 for Licence Fee  from  municipal
        Properties stood at Rs.403.49 Crore. The projections for RE 2018-19 are at
        Rs.514.67 crore and BE 2019-20 are at Rs.554.72 crore.

        8.4 All steps will be taken by the NDMC to use its resources judicially in a
        equitable manner.

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