Page 41 - e-Budget Speech - Final
P. 41

New Delhi Municipal Council                          |  Budget 2019 – 20
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tablet based Smart Classes

        Tablet based Wi-Fi enabled two classrooms in each of all Secondary is being
        setup  and Senior Secondary Schools  to undertake online assessment  /
        evaluation of the students for which, bid has been floated and the process for
        procuring the tablets for all 27 secondary and senior secondary schools is in
        final stage and is likely to be completed by end of March, 2019.

        Tablet based smart classes is the latest development in the field of Digital
        education especially for assessment purposes. Under the Tablet based smart
        classes, assessment of  students will be faster and easier and hence, will be
        helpful in improving the learning outcome of the students. In collaboration
        with Microsoft and Samsung tablets have been provided last year as a pilot
        project in three classrooms of two schools, namely, N. P. Bengali Girls Senior
        Secondary School, Gole  Market  and NP Girls Sr.  Secondary School, Gole
        Market, experience of which is very fruitful.  The department has signed an
        MoU with Khan Academy.  Under the MoU, the Khan Academy Solutions
        specially that of assessment will be used in NDMC and Navyug Schools Fiber based digital connectivity in all schools
        For the proper implementation of Tablet Based Classes, Digital Libraries, Atal
        / Palika  Tinkering Labs and other smart initiatives,  I propose  a fiber  based
        internet connectivity of appropriate band width in the year 2019-20 Connecting Schools to NDMC's Command and Control Centre
        through Optical Fiber

        It is foremost to say that any data generated with intervention of technology
        shall be converted into meaningful information to utilize the same to achieve
        objectives of the organization.

        NDMC has started CCC Centre at headquarter for real time connectivity of the
        headquarters with field units,  enhancing security and better services  to all
        concerned. I propose to integrate all NDMC/Navyug Schools with CCC centre
        for better administration and to ensure enhanced safety of the school campus
        such as through integration of School MIS, Smart Classes, CCTVs etc. with
        CCC Centre

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