Page 55 - e-Budget Speech - Final
P. 55

New Delhi Municipal Council                          |  Budget 2019 – 20
        5.1.8  In 2018-2019 the Budget Estimates were Rs. 211.25 crore of which
        Rs. 197.55 crore was Revenue Expenditure and Rs. 13.70 crore was Capital
        Expenditure.    The revised estimates of 2018-2019 are Rs. 199.46 crore  for
        Revenue Expenditure and Rs. 6.96 crore towards Capital Expenditure; in sum
        this amounts  to Rs. 206.42 crore.   For 2019-2020,  I propose  to spend Rs.
        227.00 crore of which Rs. 212.00 crore will be Revenue Expenditure and
        Capital Expenditure will be Rs. 15.00 crore.  Expenditure will also be incurred
        for the Education Sector through Smart City initiatives.


        5.2.1   Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendra at Mandir Marg
        NDMC has set up a Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendra at Mandir Marg and a
        Special Pradhan Mantri Kaushal VikasYojna Kendra at Dharam Marg, New
        Delhi where skill development training is being imparted in the Health Care
        and Solar Sector.  10 Courses namely General Duty Assistant, Home Health
        Aide, Vision Technician, Emergency Medical Technician, Diabetic Educator,
        Pharmacy Assistant,   Dental Assistant, Solar PV Installer  [Suryamitra]  and
        Solar PV Installer [Electricals] are being run presently with the capacity of
        3420 students. From the date of inauguration of these centres 3036 students
        have been trained out of which 2023 assessed and about 71% has got
        placement successfully.

        5.2.2   Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
        NDMC have imparted training and knowledge for the purpose of increasing
        their competencies against standard parameters and to bridge the gap between
        job requirements and skills /knowledge of employees, through Recognition of
        Prior Learning (RPL) to  about 2831 Gardeners, SafaiSevaks and  Mason
        comprising of nineteen batches of Gardener, Sixty batches of SafaiKaramchari
        and two batches of Mason General since March, 2017. Further, NDMC has
        developed learning modules for RPL in bilingual languages for easy grasping
        of the same by the safaisevaks. Basic life support training is an integral part of
        RPL. NDMC will provide training to 1500 NDMC employees mainly
        Gardner, Mason and Beldars during the year 2019-20.

        5.2.3  World Class Skill Development Centre at Moti Bagh
        The building for World Class Skill Development Centre at Moti Bagh, New
        Delhi is in construction stage and it is expected that it will be completed by
        December, 2019.

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