Page 39 - e-Budget Speech - Final
P. 39

New Delhi Municipal Council                          |  Budget 2019 – 20
        5.1.4  Improvement in Enrollment in NDMC / Navyug Schools
        When  the enrollment of students  in Government schools is coming down
        every  year, the enrolment in NDMC / Navyug  Schools has  shown an
        impressive growth during the last two academic years 2018-19 and 2017-2018
        over the year 2016-17. The overall enrollment in NDMC/Navyug Schools in
        2016-2017 was around 27,500 students, which has increased to around 30019
        students in the year 2017-18 and around 30312 students in the year 2018 – 19.
        With introduction of  digital education in  our  schools and I hope that the
        enrolment in NDMC/Navyug Schools is likely to further increase during the
        year 2019-2020 due to excellent infrastructure, digital education, better sports
        facilities,  and improved quality of education.

        5.1.5  Overall improvement in class 10 and 12 result: Due to such inclusive education with technological interventions, the
        overall result of NDMC and Navyug schools of class 12 in the year 2017-18
        was 93.6%, which was much higher than 90.15%, 86.67% and 80.20% in the
        years 2016-17, 2015-16  and 2014-15 respectively. With  re-introduction of  Board  exams, centralized evaluation of
        students of Class 10 has been done in the year 2017-18, wherein the result
        was 80.22%. The result was 90.76%, 91.5% and 83.30% in the year 2016-17,
        2015-16 and 2014-15 respectively, when Board exams for class X were not
        there. The focus for the year 2018-19 will be on imparting the knowledge to
        the weaker students and to improve the quality of education through various
        measures as proposed in this Budget Speech.

        5.1.6  It is time for the NDMC to make a second phase of reforms for the
        coming years by leveraging existing world class infrastructure, good teacher
        student ratio, robust extra-curricular facilities in our schools and to keep up
        with the learning demand of the 21 century, it is proposed to give focus on
        the following:
         (i)   to bring education and technology together and to use technology as a
               useful educational tool;
         (ii)  teachers training for teachers’ capacity building

         (iii)  strengthening school infrastructure;
         (iv)  imparting life skills to students;

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