Page 69 - e-Budget Speech - Final
P. 69

New Delhi Municipal Council                          |  Budget 2019 – 20
        ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   The  firm will store/process/dispose e-waste as per Rule 12
        Chapter IV of e-waste (Management and Handling) Rules 2016. NDMC has
        provided the facility of drop-of points in markets, RWAs and its own offices
        for this purpose.  Further collection centres have also been designated from
        where e-waste  can be collected by the vendor.   The unique feature of  the
        project is that citizens can send their request for collection of e-waste through
        online system or mobile application.  The firm shall pay to the citizens the
        approved rates for items collected under e-waste.  This will ensure scientific
        disposal of e-waste.   The proposal has been undertaken to ensure scientific disposal of
        e-waste in NDMC area.   IEC Activities
        NDMC focused on multi-media approach to bring behavioural change and
        citizen engagement through multi pronged strategy. In the year 2018, activities
        like 86 Health talks, 300 Nukkadnataks, 32000 distribution of pamphlets on
        DOs and DONTs of Sanitation, segregation, water-borne diseases, vector-
        borne diseases, hand washing techniques, etc. have already been carried out to
        create awareness among the  citizens/visitors of NDMC area,  and  in an
        ongoing process. IEC Activities  in  form of  86 school Rallies, signing of
        100000 Pledges, etc. have been carried out in coordination and participation
        with RWAs/  MTAs/  JJ  Clusters for awareness  in this regard and 10
        workshops/exhibitions have been conducted to address their grievances. Radio
        Jingles and videos have been customized to create awareness regarding vector
        borne diseases and segregation of MSW   Swachhta Internship 2018   NDMC has also  organized Annual Swachhta Internship  in
        summer holidays for school students (NDMC/Navyug/any other school) as a
        part of Swachh Bharat Mission and be part of India's biggest ever cleanliness
        drive, which has  involved people from all walks of life i.e. Private Sector
        Schools  /Public Sector Schools/Colleges of India in urban  clusters (Urban
        Sanitation).Selected candidates were  provided project guidance by nodal
        officer from  NDMC  in coordination  with  a school representative.  On
        successful completion of 60 hours of work in 15 days (4 hrs per day) towards
        completing the project, NDMC issued internship certificates and gave token
        amount of Rs.2000/- to each of all the successful 102 interns.

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