Page 73 - e-Budget Speech - Final
P. 73

New Delhi Municipal Council                          |  Budget 2019 – 20
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NDMC assigned  the work of AMI & SCADA to M/s Energy
        Efficiency Services Ltd. (EESL), a joint venture of PSU’s under Ministry of
        Power, Government of India, on “OPEX” Model. The project  includes
        commissioning of Smart Meters with 3G, GPRS Module, and Communication
        networks (Cellular) Services, HES, MDM and related software, Cloud Hosting
        Services for HES and MDM, Integration  of  MDM with Legacy system of
        NDMC, billing and Customer Resource Management System. The Business
        model is based on Cost-plus model. EESL will invest all CAPEX & OPEX
        upfront & thereafter, NDMC would  pay EESL, monthly on per consumer
 With  this, NDMC become the first  utility in the country to have
        replaced all the meters  with smart meter  and  implemented Automated
        Metering Infrastructure (AMI). This will end the manual reading or reading
        through  reading instruments and all  the meter data will be  transferred
        automatically to the data centre for billing. NDMC has rolled out this project
        through Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), a PSU under Ministry of

        Smart meters offer the following benefits to electricity customers to:

          (i) know the daily and hourly consumption pattern which helps in reduction
              of loads / bills

         (ii) add your multiple accounts into one mobile account for monitoring the
        (iii) enable consumers to adjust their habits in order to lower the electricity
        (iv) receive notifications on any such event like power failures or voltage
              fluctuations etc.
         (v) enable consumer to see real time consumption, historical consumption
              pattern etc. SCADA project would  accrue following benefits  to NDMC &  its
            (i) bring  in operational  efficiency on  a model which is impact based,
                aiding efforts towards achieving financial improvement of NDMC.

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