Page 49 - e-Budget Speech - Final
P. 49

New Delhi Municipal Council                          |  Budget 2019 – 20
       ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Formal Life Skill Training

       Formal Life Skill Training will be introduced in NDMC schools for students
       of classes 9 to 12 of NDMC / Navyug Schools, so that young students will
       have abilities  for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable  them to deal
       effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life.

       Ten core life skills will  be considered, namely, self-awareness,  empathy,
       critical  thinking, creative thinking, decision making, problem solving,
       effective communication,  interpersonal relationship,  coping with stress  and
       coping with emotion.  These  skills will be imparted through process  of
       participatory  learning using practical  activities, feedback, reflection,
       consolidation & reinforcement and practical application to day to day life

       One session per week per class for  classes Nursery to VIII will be
       implemented in NDMC  schools.  Teachers will act as the mentor for the
       students. Special training will be arranged for the teachers to enable them to
       be successful mentors  Introducing special session on Swachhta, Yoga and breathing
       exercise and Cyber Security etc.

       Activities are integral part of a school set up. Secondary and Senior Secondary
       Schools have eco clubs. All schools now have Swachhta Committees. Our
       schools have already played a vital role in providing awards and status to
       NDMC in swachh national movement for sustaining and enhancing the
       standards already achieved. I propose Swachhta club in all schools.
       "A healthy mind in a healthy body" Along with academics, physical
       activities play a vital role in the  all  round development of  a  student.  The
       advantages of breathing exercise  include betterNervous System and Heart
       Balance, Toxin Release, Lower Anxiety, Healthier  Body,Heightened Focus
       etc., therefore proposing to set up yoga clubs in our schools.

       Internet and mobile phones are now a part and parcel of everybody’s life and
       their usage cannot be stopped. However their usage particularly by the
       students may be  guided in a way to protect our future generation from the
       evil/negative effect of internet on their mind, body and soul to grow them as a
       responsible citizen.  Recently Ministry of Home Affairs has issued detailed

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