Page 64 - e-Budget Speech - Final
P. 64

New Delhi Municipal Council                          |  Budget 2019 – 20
        which will be granted by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs,
        Government of India after carrying out an additional verification through an
        independent third party to certify such rating, result of which is awaited. I am
        confident that NDMC will be able to apply for the 7 star rating in the year

        5.4.4  Scientific collection,  transportation and disposal of Waste
        Management in NDMC area
        NDMC has taken up the following initiatives in the year 2018-19 for scientific
        disposal of waste in NDMC area which will continue to be further improved in
        the year 2019-20: 100% municipal  solid waste is disposed  of scientifically in the
        following manner:
            (i) 100% door-to-door collection of segregated MSW is undertaken by 36
                Auto tippers, which transfer the  MSW either to  the Static Garbage
                Transfer Station or to  movable mini compactors or to large
           (ii) Compacted segregated MSW from 16 mini compactors is transported
                to Static Garbage  Transfer Station and  after further  compaction the
                segregated MSW is transferred  to treatment facility at Waste-to-
                Energy Plant at Okhla, Delhi in wagons (high capacity containers)
                through three front end loaders;
          (iii) 60 TPD of wet waste is disposed of at Compost Plants, Okhla, New
                Delhi, where it is converted into compost.
           (iv) 0.5 TPD of organic waste is disposed of in Bio-methanization Plant, at
                NDMC's Indira Niketan Working Women Hostel, wherein about 40
                cubic metre bio-  gas is generated and utilized at the Hostel for
                cooking purpose;
           (v) In NDMC there is no sanitary landfill site and no MSW generated in
                NDMC area is sent to any sanitary landfill site.
          (vi) One  TPD of  organic waste is being disposed at  Organic  Waste
                Convertor Madhu Limaye Marg, Chanakya Puri in collaboration with
                Art of Living Foundation.
          (vii) Home composting has been started in more than 532 houses in NDMC
               Area, and such number is being increased with active participation of

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