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Departments » Information Technology


Information Technology department of NDMC is making continuous efforts towards computerization of all departments to provide transparency and better services to its citizens. The main objective of IT department is computerization of various activities and workflows of various departments in order to promote efficiency, transparency, accountability, and responsiveness.

Live Applications

  • Birth & Death Certificate
  • Electricity & Water Billing
  • NDMC Web Portal
  • Barat Ghar Booking
  • Community Center Booking
  • Water Tanker Booking
  • Hitkari Nidhi Yojna
  • Vigilance NOC
  • Venue Booking
  • Yellow Fever Vaccination
  • GIS
  • Bill Tracking
  • Road Cutting Permission
  • Smart City
  • Mobile Tower
  • E-HRMS
  • Online RTI
  • School Admission
  • Pension Portal
  • Payroll
  • E-Finance System
  • E-Awas
  • Health License
  • Citizen Lad Scheme
  • Property Tax Bill
  • Estate Bill
  • Building Approval
  • NDMC 311 Mobile App
  • WhatsApp Chatbot
  • E-Office
  • E-Hospital
  • Health Trade License
  • Sparrow
  • E-mail Solution

Applications Under Development

  • E-Awas
  • Dashboard for DPC/Pay fixation
  • Swimming Pool

Future Roadmap IT Services in NDMC

  • Implementation of Data Lake.
  • Implementation of E-financial System 2.0.
  • Development of KPI Dashboard.
  • Development of a Mobile App (Blockchain and AI/ML based)