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Many energy conservation initiatives have been taken up in respect of municipal buildings.  This has resulted in a saving of electricity 500 KW approximately during the period 2002-06 and another 500KW of energy during the year 2006-07. 



NDMC system has got transmission & distribution losses of only 11.5% which are considered very good by all India standards.

State of the Art technology schemes with 66KV GIS have been executed at School Lane and Vidyut Bhawan. 

Three new 33KV S/Stns namely – at Mandi House, Pandara Road and Hanuman Road established.

Four new 66KV feeders laid, out of which Two nos. presently are commissioned at 33 KV level due to delay in up-gradation of the Ridge Valley S/Stn. from 66KV to 220KV level by DTL. 

One 66/11KV power transformer has been commissioned at B.D. Marg adding 20MVA power in the system.

Distribution System studied by Y.P. Singh Committee and remedial measure suggested.



Fluorescent tube lights replacement work in Kidwai Nagar, Moti Bagh, PandaraRoad & C-II Tilak Marg, Netaji Nagar & Nauroji Nagar with HPSV fittings completed.


47 No. High Mast added making total high mast number to 104 in NDMC area.

Improvement of street light at Tuglak Road, Safdarjung Road, B.K.S. Plaza, GPOGole Mkt, Tilak Marg, Mother TERESA Marg & S.P. Marg carried out by replacing old fittings with latest  IP 66 fittings.

Power Trading Co. has been engaged to suggest further information in the system.



·        Based on advise of expert Y.P. Singh Committee, the old 11 KV sub-station equipments (60 no.) 11KV cables (25 K.Mtr) & 66KV faulty feeder at estimated cost of Rs. 100 crores shall be replaced in coming two years.

·        State of the Arts unitized sub-stations being added to modernize & upgrade system   

With above measures, consumers are benefited with more reliable uninterrupted and increased better quality electricity supply.  Attending of no current complaints is getting priority.  Load application and other proformas are uploaded on NDMC website.  Consumer Grievances Forum has been established for speedyredressal of the grievances.