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Application Procedure

Design Department formulates architectural schemes for various categories of services such as

1. Augmentation of Infrastructure like subways, Electric Sub Stations and water supply boosting stations.

2. Service personnel housing.

3. Projects of Social Welfare like Schools, Hospitals, Dispensaries, Community Centers, Working Girl Hostels, Aged People Homes etc.

4. Street Furniture and Landscape works  

Misuse: Any complaint regarding Misuse of Building can be registered /lodged with Misuse Section of Department of Architecture & Environs, 11-th floor, Palika Kendra NDMC , Such complaint could be registered through letter, telephone or in person to the following officers. The Complainant has to furnish his/her identify by furnishing full name, correct contact address, telephone number etc.


Name of Officer  

Tel. No.  

Visiting hours  

The Chief Architect  

Extn. 3101 

With prior appointment, Monday Wednesday and Friday from 12.00 p.m. to 1.00 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday from 3.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.

Immediate inspection of the complaints are being done by the staff of Misuse Cell and the actions against genuine complaint regarding misuse in NDMC area are taken under the provisions of NDMC Act for stoppage, removal, sealing and prosecution in respect of misuse noticed during inspection.

Any interface required in respect of above said misuse could be done at the level of Chief Architect and Dy. Chief Architect on all working days during their visiting hours as given above.

Any interface required in respect of sanctioning of building plans could be done at the level of Chief Architect and Dy. Chief Architect (Building Plan) on all working days during visiting hours. The telephone numbers and visiting hours for Chief Architect and Dy. Chief Architect (Building Plan) are as under:-

Name of Officer  

Tel. No.  

Visiting hours  

Chief Architect

Extn. 3101

With prior appointment, Monday Wednesday and Friday from 12.00 p.m. to 1.00 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday from 3.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.

Dy. Chief Architect


On all working days between 12.00 and 1.00 p.m.


Building Plan Section: This deals in sanctioning/completion of plans for all type of Buildings in NDMC Area on Online Building Approval Portal on NDMC Website.

Decision on application for sanction of Building Plans will be communicated.

Within 60 days.

Decision on revalidation of Plans will be communicated.

Within 30 days

Decision on Completion Certificate/Plans will be communicated

Within 30 days.