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The Acronym ‘AYUSH’ is universally adopted for "Traditional and Non – conventional systems of health care and healing which include Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Naturopathy, Siddha, Homoeopathy” by the commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology. All these systems of medicine under the umbrella of AYUSH are unique and time-tested holistic approaches to health care and healing.

AYUSH provides an integrative healthcare modality for complete physical, mental, social, and spiritual wellbeing. In the year 1955, the Union Government of India, established a separate department “the Department of Indian System of Medicine and Homoeopathy (ISM&H)” for the development of these systems. On the 9th of November 2014, the Ministry of AYUSH was formed by the Government of India with a vision of reviving the profound knowledge of traditional Indian systems of medicine and ensuring the optimal development and propagation of the AYUSH systems of healthcare.

The Government of India is also widely promoting the traditional AYUSH systems of medicine. As a result of this endeavour, it has promoted the Dept. of AYUSH into a complete Ministry of AYUSH. As per the Ministry of AYUSH, the potential of AYUSH systems has not been utilized fully so far to improve the health care delivery system. Accordingly in an endeavour to achieve this goal, the Govt. is encouraging setting up of general and specialized AYUSH treatment centers so that the faith of the people in AYUSH System of Medicine could be regenerated. Due to the growing interest of masses in AYUSH system there has been a phenomenal increase in the demand for holistic & traditional therapies like Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani & Homoeopathy for treatment of diseases and also for preventive & promotive health care.

NDMC has a reputation of a municipality with a difference, which provides quality civic amenities to the citizens which it caters to; as a result NDMC has upgraded its services by introducing various Systems of AYUSH like Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha & Homoeopathy under one roof along with establishment of Panchakarma, Naturopathy therapy centres to win over the confidence of its citizens in AYUSH and to provide a safer alternative with long term benefits.

As NDMC is determined to encourage and develop these systems of medicine and make available of these facilities to public. In tandem with the efforts of the Central Government; NDMC too has established a separate Department of AYUSH under its Civic services in the year 2019.

AYUSH System at a Glance

This system of medicine originated in Vedic period and medical knowledge in Atharvaveda generally developed into the science of Ayurveda. The diagnosis in Ayurveda involves questioning, examination of pulse, tongue, urine etc. and inference. It also gives great emphasis on preventive and curative measures through plant based medicines and adopting life style advocated in Ayurvedic texts.

Panchakarma treatment is complete detoxification/Purification procedure that is advised to patients usually suffering from chronic ailments. It is carried out before undergoing or during any treatment.
The effects of this treatment are far more effective than oral medication and yield greater benefits in the treatment of the patients. It is also administered for boosting up the immune system.
Panchakarma Therapies offered in NDMC are, Abhyanga, Dhara, Pottali, Nasya, Virechan, Kati vasti etc

Yoga is a way of life propounded by Yajyavalkya and later systematized by Patanjali. Yoga helps in improving physical, mental and social-wellbeing and provides relief from stress and strain, it increases resistance power of the body through Pranayama, Asana, Meditation mentioned in Asthang Yog.

Naturopathy like yoga is a way of life and believes in the practice of applying the simple laws of nature to life. It is commonly known for drugless treatment of disease and an organized way of life is the key to health energy and happiness. It lays special emphasis on eating and living habits, adoption of purification measures, use of hydrotherapy, cold packs, mud packs, massage etc.

This system of medicine originated in Greece, but was brought to India by Arabs and Persians. However this system of medicine has a long impressive record in India. It also adopts holistic approach. But main types of treatment are regimental therapy, diet therapy, pharmacy-therapy and surgery.

Siddha are the most ancient Indian System of medicine practiced in India specially in Tamilnadu and Kerala. The basic principles and doctrines of Siddha system are similar to those of Ayurveda. Both Ayurveda and Siddha are holistic system of medicines dealing with preventive, primitive and curative concepts of health and are holistic systems of medicine covering, body, mind, soul and phenomena of nature.

This system of medicine was discovered by German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. It is a system of medicine that cures natural disease by administering drugs which have been experimentally proved to possess the power of producing similar artificial symptoms on healthy human beings. It has also wide acceptability because of its holistic and intrinsic values, low cost and high palatability.